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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

The new racism in Chile

A really important national topical issue is the higher rates of immigration in Chile, which has been a very controversial topic because are a lot of people that aren’t happy with this phenomenon. If you check the statistics of the web page of the immigration department (Departamento de extranjería y migración, 2016) you can see that the immigration rates are increasing and that has scared Chilean people. But in the same document it says this numbers are lower than in other South American countries. So, what are the people so worried about? I think that this happen because is a new phenomenon that Balibar (in Balibar and Wallerstein, 1991) calls “neoracismo” (new racism) and it’s consist in the belief of the damage that can produce the lack of borders between countries. This belief is not based on biological heritage, but it is on the cultural differences that make life styles incompatible. I think that currently it’s very common to hear this kind of comments in Chilean people or rea

The best TV show ever created

My favorite TV show without doubt is “Friends”. I knew this TV show because a cousin recommends it to me many years ago and it was one of the first TV sho ws that I watch in my life. Then, when I start watching Friends I didn’t have any special expectations, and I gradually star to love it. Friends it’s a sitcom about a group of six friends that’s live in Manhattan, New York. As long as you see the show you get more and more attached to the characters and I think that is the reason why the TV show has 10 seasons. In my case, I started watching Friends because it was funny, but while I was watching Friends I get more interested to knowing what was going to happen with the main characters. I know some people have some critics about this series. I have hear some people think is a shallow show because it’s about white high class Americans and it doesn’t related with our South American life style. Also I have some friends who get really annoyed with the laughs on the background of the

Choosing a postgraduate degree

I’m never sure of anything, but if I would have to choose to study anything else, it would be a master in clinical psychology. I think that would be really useful for my education and for my work, because I think that the undergraduate  program isn’t en ough. Also, I think that psychology is a broad field and it has so much topics and theories to learn about, it’s really interesting. Because of that, you need to keep learning all the time about it, so you can be a good professional. Beside the eagerness to study, I still don’t know which field of the clinical psychology I would like to study. For now, I only know that it would be related to adults instead of children, because I don’t understand kids and I don’t know how to interact with them. Another thing that I’m not sure is where I would like to study, and I think that depends on which field of the clinical psychology I choose. That is because I would like to go to a specialize university in my area of interest. So, sometime

My future job as a psychologist

It’s really difficult for me to picture myself in my job because I feel it so far from now. But, when I finish my career I would like to take a master’s program in clinic psychologist, because I have a good specialty and I think that the university doesn’t give you that whit the undergraduate program. When I finish my studies I want to work as a clinical psychologist in the public system, especially with adults (I don’t get along with children, but I’ try to stay open about my options). Because of that, I think that my job would be mainly in indoors spaces, but this idea doesn’t bother me. I would like to try different jobs, because is very difficult to know what kind of job do you like if you don’t try it.   Accordingly to this, first I would like to work in a psychosocial programme, maybe with a women’s group. I have this idea because this semester I have a subject that allowed us to participate in different activities with families, and I’m working whit a psychologist and a