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The dream place: The Caribbean

Resultado de imagen para caribeAll my life i have loved beaches, and that’s why i like very much visit any place that has access to the sea. Because of that i’m planning to travel to the coast of Peru for this summer. But, apart from that, if i think bigger, I really would like to visit the Caribbean, including its different islands and the many coasts of the countries that surround it. The Caribbean sea is one of the biggests seas of the world. This means that i would make a very long trip and that’s excites me, because it’s looks very beautiful and fun.
The Caribbean’s weather is very nice; it has warm temperatures during the whole year (about 25°C) and with high humidity. It’s important to consider the hurricane season (from June to November), and because of that I would travel from December to May to avoid it. The water is about 21°C and 32°C, and I think that would allow me to swim more time than in Chile, because I wouldn’t get cold so quickly. Beside of swimming I’m really interested in walking and visiting different places near the beaches, getting to know the different cultures of indigenous communities, because there is a great cultural diversity. Also I would like to take some time to relax, lying on the beach and eating delicious food.
Resultado de imagen para playa caribe


  1. How great it would be to be able to go to the Caribbean now, especially in these days that it has been very hot and a beach would not hurt at all!


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