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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

Social Media

The social media is really common way to communicate these days. Because of that, arranging a meeting with someone without your mobile phone is very weird. Anyone can realize that when it loses his/her phone or don’t have one. In the first place, everyone gets surprised when they find out about that and in second place the communication is more difficult, because all the other people can reach each other faster than you.  In this respect, I have got used to communicate by Whatsapp, even more than call someone on the phone, but sometimes is necessary because is faster. So I used a lot in my daily living, but I notice that can be really requesting. For example, in the university is a requirement to have an e-mail, and check it constantly to know what’s happening with some subjects and evaluations. This can be really annoying, because you can’t get offline for a long time because you can be adversely affected. In this regard, for me the social media is a way to spend my time to get d

My best concert

It’s really difficult for me to choose a favorite concert, so I will talk about one of my first experiences. This concert was called “El abrazo” and it was in December, 2010 at Parque O’higgins. The concert was to celebrate the bicentennial of Chile and Argentina independence, so the name of the festival  was a manifestation of the bond of the two countries and it was meant to remember the hug between General O’higgins and General San Martín. Because of that there were invited several Chilean and Argentinian artists, so the concert last 11 hours approximately (it was really exhausting). I went with mi mother, one of my sisters (Catalina), one of her friends and two of my friends. The festival was really fun because I liked all the artist that were invited, specially Los bunkers, Babasónicos, Joe Vasconcello, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Fito Páez, Charlie García, and Los Tres. Beside of the fun, there were sad moments as well, because Gustavo Cerati was on coma at that moment, so differe

The dream place: The Caribbean

All my life i have loved beaches, and that’s why i like very much visit any place that has access to the sea. Because of that i’m planning to travel to the coast of Peru for this summer. But, apart from that, if i think bigger, I really would like to visit the Caribbean, including its different islands and the many coasts of the countries that surround it. The Caribbean sea is one of the biggests  seas of the world. This means that i would make a very long trip and that’s excites me, because it’s looks very beautiful and fun. The Caribbean’s weather is very nice; it has warm temperatures during the whole year (about 25°C) and with high humidity. It’s important to consider the hurricane season (from June to November), and because of that I would travel from December to May to avoid it. The water is about 21°C and 32°C, and I think that would allow me to swim more time than in Chile, because I wouldn’t get cold so quickly. Beside of swimming I’m really interested in walking and visi