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Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

If I could change my programme...

Well, I’m in my 4 th year of the programme of psychology of the Universidad de Chile and I have some complaints. I think that I haven’t developed skills that I need for work properly. In this programme the only concern is to learn theories and content, and sometimes a critical thought. So, I think that some changes are really necessary in this programme. In the first place , I think that is necessary organize practical activities since the first year and increase the option to intervene with the years of experience of the student. But it is important that these activities don’t correspond to a particular subject but to be transversal to the programme. This would allow the student to apply the things that have learn so far.  Also these activities will prepare the student for the field work because will allow him/her to develop some skills that are beyond the theories. Also, I would eliminate some subjects that are really specifics for the firsts years, like “basic processes of